6.5x25 CBJ HP

Hollow Point - Monolithic copper projectile with hollow point

6.5x25 CBJ HP

Hollow Point - Monolithic copper projectile with hollow point

The 6.5×25 CBJ HP has a full caliber monolithic copper projectile with a hollow point. It is excellent for Law Enforcement and self protection use. 

It has a limited lethal range, 80m with pistol and 100m with SMG. This increases safety and reduces risk of collateral damage, especially when used in urban environments. Within the lethal range it is very effective against non protected targets, but beyond this range it quickly looses velocity and energy.

Key benefits:

  • High accuracy
  • Reduced lethal range
  • High wounding capacity
  • Non-toxic


Several tests have been conducted with the 6.5×25 CBJ HP, and the ballistic performance is very similar to 6.5×25 CBJ HET and 6.5×25 CBJ Frangible, due to the identical projectile weight and similar shape.


Technical Data

Cartridge weight:      7,5g

Projectile length:      10mm

Projectile diameter:   6,74mm

Projectile weight:      2,5g


                           Muzzle velocity:             Muzzle energy : 


120mm barrel:      730m/s                            666J

150mm barrel:      780m/s                            761J

200mm barrel:      830m/s                            861J

300mm barrel:      900m/s                          1013J

Hit patterns at 50m range has the same accuracy as both 6.5×25 CBJ HET and 6.5×25 CBJ Frangible

The graphs show the trajectories, velocities and energies from different barrel lengths. The X-axes are in m and the Y-axes are in mm.