About Us
CBJ Tech AB was founded in 1997 and is located in Kungsbacka, Sweden. The founder, president of the board and managing director, Mr Carl Bertil Johansson, after whom the company is named, has over 40 years of experience of small arms and ammunition development in both Sweden and USA.
We conduct research and development of small arms and small arms ammunition, which is offered for license production. CBJ Tech AB is not a manufacturing company, however we do manufacture smaller test lots of ammunition and weapon prototypes. Our target group is the defense and law enforcement sector.
Our greatest asset is a highly competent staff that has all necessary means to work efficiently. We have a well adapted test facility comprising flexible cartridge loading equipment for smaller test lots, a mechanical shop and a well equipped ballistics laboratory where we conduct extensive in-house testing. For full range and field testing, we also have access to military installations.
Because CBJ Tech AB is authorized to develop and possess most types of weapon systems up to a caliber of 40mm, our engineers have a high degree of freedom and opportunity to closely study, compare and evaluate different systems and technologies which has greatly aided our own development programs. Our main products are currently in an advanced stage of development where they are waiting to be qualified and prepared for mass production.
If you wish to come in contact with us, you can use the Message form below or contact us directly:
Phone: +46 (0)300 567390
Email: info@cbjtech.com
Address: Hantverksgatan 28, 434 42 Kungsbacka, Sverige